Happy first day in Australia! We received a rainy welcome but it’s perfectly okay because, like I said, we’re in Australia!

We were greeted at the airport by a pastor we got connected with ahead of time. These friends have been absolute hospitable angels to us since we’ve arrived.
Day 1 was very productive as we were able to take care of setting up bank accounts and looking at properties to rent.
Some really surprising first impressions of Brisbane, Australia:
- Being a front seat passenger on the opposite side of the car
- Driving on the opposite side of the road
- Calling the letter “z” Zed
- Travelators (it’s a moving ramp like an escalator)
- Lychees- a very small prickly fruit that has to be peeled to reveal something that feels like a wet grape, tastes like a pear and pineapple mixed together and has a pit like a peach.
- Driving on the other side means walking on the other side in crowded public places too (oops).
We know that Australia has so much to explore. Many more posts about Brisbane and beyond coming soon!
<3 Laura
So glad to hear about all of the exciting new things you are experiencing. Happy house hunting!!