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Many of us find ourselves working from home lately. It’s great to see how places of work and communities are taking measures to try to keep each other safe during uncertain times.
If you don’t usually work from home, it can seem like a dream at first, but it can also be easy to become stir-crazy. Keeping up productivity for your job while at home is so important, even though it seems a little out of place at first. That’s why I wanted to share some tips for staying productive if you’re working from home!
Tips for Staying Productive While Working from Home
1. Make a daily agenda and keep it in plain sight
I’m a list girl already, so this is pretty easy for me. I like to keep a calendar nearby that displays any important deliverables for the day. I also write down items that will happen after work. This helps me separate work from personal tasks.
2. Try to have one designated workspace
Just as you have a cubicle or office at your place of work, try to maintain that habit by recreating your space at home. Having a familiar spot to return to after your breaks will help form good work habits while you’re at home. Which brings me to…

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3. Take a short break from the screen every hour or two
If you’re in the zone, go for it! But if you are able to, and especially if you feel yourself dragging, I recommend taking a break from your computer screen for a few minutes. This doesn’t mean go directly from your computer to your phone, either. The purpose of this is to let your eyes refocus and take a rest from any digital strain. By the way, blue light blocking glasses like these are a good way to combat this as well!
4. Make a healthy lunch
Another great thing about working from home is that your kitchen is just steps away! Keep a designated time for lunch and opt for something homemade, if you can. A fresh sandwich and salad are perfect if you want something quick. If you’re in the mood for something light, throw asparagus on the stovetop and add a side of chips and hummus!
5. Close up your work area when the workday is done
Establishing new routines and boundaries when working at home will help you compartmentalize the way you normally would. While you don’t have a drive home from the office, shutting down your work station and leaving the area will feel like a familiar habit, even at home. Set time aside each evening to unwind like normal. Spend time checking off some of those personal tasks or connecting with your family.
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Happy working from home! Share your own tips in the comments so I can learn how you do you!